templates/website/includes/search-form-section.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% from 'utils.html.twig' import ico %}
  2. <form class="busca" action="{{ path('productListSearch') }}" method="GET">
  3.     {% if not isDarkTheme and hasProducts and categories|length > 0 %}
  4.         <button type="button" id="btn_categorias" class="btn-categorias">
  5.             <i class="ico">{{ ico('apps') }}</i>
  6.             <span>{{ getLanguage('categories', 'search_form') }}</span>
  7.             <i class="ico">{{ ico('chevron-down') }}</i>
  8.         </button>
  9.         <div class="box-categorias">
  10.             <div>
  11.                 {% for category in categories %}
  12.                     {% if category.hasProduct() %}
  13.                         <a href="{{ path('productListCategory', { type: 'produtos', slug: category.slug }) }}">
  14.                             {{ category.category }}
  15.                         </a>
  16.                     {% endif %}
  17.                 {% endfor %}
  18.             </div>
  19.         </div>
  20.     {% endif %}
  21.     <input type="text" id="search" name="search" placeholder="{{ getLanguage('course_to_study', 'search_form') }}" autocomplete="off">
  22.     <button type="submit" class="btn-buscar">
  23.         <i>{{ ico('search') }}</i>
  24.     </button>
  25.     <div id="search_suggestions" class="search-suggestions" data-status="start" request="{{ path('productListSuggestionSearch') }}">
  26.         <span class="item item-start">
  27.             <i class="type-search"></i>
  28.             <span>{{ getLanguage('course_to_study', 'search_form') }}</span>
  29.         </span>
  30.         <span class="item item-wait">
  31.             <i class="type-search"></i>
  32.             <span>{{ getLanguage('searching_for', 'search_form') }} <b class="js--search-term">&hellip;</b></span>
  33.         </span>
  34.         <span class="item item-end-empty">
  35.             <i class="type-search"></i>
  36.             <span>{{ getLanguage('no_results_for', 'search_form') }} <b class="js--search-term">&hellip;</b></span>
  37.         </span>
  38.         <a id="init_link" class="item item-end-full" href="">
  39.             <i class="type-search"></i>
  40.             <span>{{ getLanguage('see_all_courses_with', 'search_form') }} <b class="js--search-term">&hellip;</b></span>
  41.         </a>
  42.         <div class="loader-container">
  43.             <i class="loader">{{ ico('loader-wish') }}</i>
  44.         </div>
  45.         <nav id="search_suggestions_links" class="found-links"></nav>
  46.     </div>
  47. </form>