templates/website/teacher/teacher-section.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% from 'utils.html.twig' import ico %}
  2. {% set sliderLabel = "slider-teachers-#{layout}" %}
  3. {% if layout == 'home' %}
  4.     {% set sliderLabel = "#{sliderLabel}-#{theme}" %}
  5. {% endif %}
  6. {% if teacherSection.teachers|length > 0 %}
  7.     <section id="sec-instructors" class="pag-sec {% if section is defined and section.background %} sec-bg-alt {% endif %} professores-destaque">
  8.         {% if layout == 'home' %}<div class="container">{% endif %}
  9.             <header class="tit-sec {{ teacherSection.isCenterTitle? 'tx-centro' }}">
  10.                 <h2>{{ teacherSection.title }}</h2>
  11.                 {% if teacherSection.showSubtitle %}
  12.                     <span class="sub">{{ teacherSection.subtitle }}</span>
  13.                 {% endif %}
  14.             </header>
  15.             <div class="slider-wid">
  16.                 <div class="professores-contem--{{ layout }}">
  17.                     {# SLIDERS #}
  18.                     <div class="professores-contem-slider--{{ layout }}">
  19.                         <div id="teacher-slider" class="professores-slider js--slider" data-slider-options-label="{{ sliderLabel }}">
  20.                             {% set teachers = teacherSection.teachers %}
  21.                             {# DARK #}
  22.                             {% if layout == 'home' and isDarkTheme %}
  23.                                 {% include 'website/teacher/teacher-item-section-dark.html.twig' %}
  24.                             {# LIGHT #}
  25.                             {% else %}
  26.                                 {% include 'website/teacher/teacher-item-section.html.twig' with {layout: 'slider'} %}
  27.                             {% endif %}
  28.                         </div>
  29.                     </div>
  30.                     {# VER TODOS #}
  31.                     {% if theme == 'light' and teacherSection.showBtnToAll %}
  32.                         <div class="box-link">
  33.                             <a href="{{ path('teachers') }}" class="link-todos">
  34.                                 <span>{{ getLanguage('see_all_masc', 'home') }}<i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i></span>
  35.                             </a>
  36.                         </div>
  37.                     {% endif %}
  38.                 </div>
  39.                 {# SLIDER ARROWS #}
  40.                 {% include 'website/includes/seta-banner.html.twig' with { id: 'teacher-slider' } %}
  41.             </div>{# -/ .slider-wid #}
  42.         {% if layout == 'home' %}</div>{% endif %}
  43.     </section>
  44. {% endif %}